Personalised Learning Device Programme
With the implementation of the Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP), each Canberran will have their own Personal Learning Device (PLD). The school's prescribed PLD for 2024 is the iPad 10.9 (10th generation), which all Secondary 1 Canberrans should acquire. This allows ICT to be integrated into the curriculum across various subjects. Teachers continually develop and deepen their digital literacy and technological skills to deliver more engaging and customised learning. Lessons are made interactive with the use of applications such as ClassPoint, Kahoot, Padlet, and other simulations. Canberrans will also experience different applications such as GarageBand during Music, Procreate during Art, and SketchBook during Design and Technology.

Asynchronous home-based learning (HBL) is conducted easily with students accessing the Student Learning Space (SLS) on their PLDs. To develop digital literacies, our Canberrans learn how to use digital tools effectively, critically evaluate online information, and understand the ethical use of technology to be future-ready. At Canberra, every student will create an e-portfolio to curate and showcase their learning. With ICT baseline lessons, Canberrans learn to make the most of the Google suite of apps available at their fingertips so they can be digitally empowered. With the School-Wide Wireless Network coverage expansion in 2024, the network coverage has been strengthened to encourage more digital experiences and learning activities across more areas in school.

To enhance our Canberrans’ digital competencies and interest in coding and programming, the Code For Fun (CFF) Programme will expose Secondary 1s to computational thinking skills and emerging technologies. Students will learn about coding and develop an interest in technology, honing their ability to innovate and problem-solve. Our Secondary 2 students will build on their CFF knowledge from Secondary 1 and embark on the new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coding pilot programme. With the advancements in AI technology, our students will learn how to utilize AI to help them with coding and digital making.