National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC)
In alignment with the aims of our HQ NCDCC (National Civil Defence Cadet Corps) and our parent organization SCDF (Singapore Civil Defence Force), Canberra Secondary School's NCDCC seeks to nurture and develop our youths into resilient and responsible citizens through innovative and challenging Civil Defence activities. It is a choice Uniformed Group (UG) that equips our youths with life-saving skills for challenging times ahead.

NCDCC's curriculum focuses mainly on the Triangle of Life Skills, which includes basic firefighting, first aid, and CPR+AED. These are important lifesaving skills that can make a difference in saving lives during emergencies.
Canberra Secondary School's NCDCC unit was established in 2019 as a new and dynamic platform to nurture character and leadership development for our students. The objectives are to teach cadets life skills while instilling the values of discipline and togetherness in the Uniformed Group.

Our cadets can look forward to a plethora of enriching activities including:
Weekly training sessions
Team-bonding activities
CCA-VIA (Co-Curricular Activity-Values in Action) sessions
First-Aid Skills
Fire Safety
Basic Firefighting Skills
CPR/AED Skills
Leadership Camp

Cadets also participate in activities held by HQ NCDCC that help them develop valuable competencies, moulding them into future-ready contributors and making their journey in NCDCC more fulfilling:
NCDCC Affirmation Day for Incoming Secondary One Cadets
NCDCC Specialisation Course for Secondary Three Cadets
Precision Drill Challenge (PDC)
Urban Adventure Civil Defence Challenge (UACDC)
Through its motto, "We Learn. We Lead. We Serve.", the Canberra NCDCC unit aims to prepare cadets to be capable, compassionate leaders who are ready to face any challenges and contribute positively to society.

Latest Achievements
Precision Drill Challenge (PDC) The PDC is a competition designed to showcase the discipline, coordination, and teamwork of cadets through precise and synchronized drill movements. Participants are judged on their ability to perform complex sequences of drill commands with accuracy and cohesion. In recent years, we clinched the following ranking nationwide:
2022: Top 4
2023 – 2024: Top 10

2024 SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Award
This is the highest accolade that a cadet may receive in NCDCC. It is also awarded to the most outstanding cadet in the uniformed group. This year, the award is conferred to:
Warrant Officer Nur Emilya Binte Mohamed Riaj, 4 Empathy
Warrant Officer Adam Rushdiy Bin Mohammed Fadly, 4 Harmony
2024 Footdrill Gold Course, Best in Commanding
Held at Civil Defence Academy (CDA) from 18th June to 20th June 2024, Secondary 3 cadets came together to participate in the course to attain their Foot Drill Gold Proficiency Badge. We would like to congratulate our following cadet for clinching the Best in Commanding:
Staff Sergeant Muhammad Noor Danish Bin Abdullah, 3 Respect
Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPA)
In recognition of the dedication and commitment of our cadets, the Canberra NCDCC Unit has achieved the following standards for the Unit Overall Proficiency Award in recent years:
2021: Gold
2022 – 2023: Distinction