Racial Harmony Day

This year, the CCE Committee collaborated with the Malay unit and Sec 3 Cohort staff and students to commemorate Racial Harmony Day and to celebrate Hari Raya. In line with the theme, “Unity In Diversity”, activities were planned to celebrate Singapore as a harmonious society built on a rich diversity of culture and for our students to understand the importance of maintaining racial and religious equality.
The celebrations for RHD started with staff and students donning ethnic costumes to school. During CCE lessons, the students were engaged in a discussion on comtemporary issues. The students were in for a treat when the Sec 3 cohort teachers and staff put up a skit and dikir barat performce during the assembly programme! All in all, both staff and students enjoyed themselves yet understood that they should not enjoyed the peace for granted and continue to build good relations, respect and embrace our diversity.